【NEWS】China Medical University English teaching of Chinese medicine has entered the VR (virtual reality) mode

【NEWS】China Medical University English teaching of Chinese medicine has entered the VR (virtual reality) mode

In order to make the characteristics of Chinese medicine more internationally competitive, the College of Chinese Medicine of China Medical University offers medical English courses taught in English this semester. The class co-lectured by Dean Yen, Assistant Professor Peter Mayer, Assistant Professor Eyal Ben-Arie and other international teachers.

Dean Hung-Rong Yen and the teachers of Center for General Education jointly set up a Chinese medicine English course taught in English.

With the support of Higher Educations SPROUT project, the practice was carried out in the classroom of the newly established Chinese Medicine Clinical Practice Center of the College of Chinese Medicine. Let students practice speaking Chinese medicine by English through VR (virtual reality).

為使中醫藥特色更具國際競爭性,中國醫藥大學中醫學院這學期開設全英文授課的醫學英文課程,由顏宏融院長、Peter Mayer助理教授、Eyal Ben-Arie助理教授等國際師資共同授課,並由顏宏融院長與通識教育中心老師共同開設全英文授課的中醫藥英文課程,在教育部高教深耕計畫的支持之下,在中醫學院新成立的中醫臨床實習中心教室進行演練,讓學生透過VR虛擬實境演練口說中醫英文。


謝謝以下媒體報導 Thank you for the media exposure

中央社新聞網 http://www.cna.com.tw/Postwrite/Chi/312044

工商時報 https://ctee.com.tw/industrynews/cooperation/615075.html

17news民生好報 http://17news.net/?p=149480

enn.tw台灣電報 https://enn.tw/?p=102330

TNN台灣新聞 http://news.tnn.tw/news.html?c=8&id=157031

台中地方新聞 http://tc.news.tnn.tw/news.html?c=8&id=157031

環球日報社 https://www.worldnews-tw.com/page/news/show.aspx?num=9028&kind=1&lang=TW

新華報導 https://ccss3172.blogspot.com/2022/03/vr.html

台灣華報 https://www.kingtop.com.tw/detail.php?type=catalog&catalog_id=5&id=9625