【Achievement Sharing】 Selenge Davaasuren, a student in the International Master Program in Acupuncture, gave a successful lecture in her hometown of Mongolia with the theme "How to Overcome Depression and Insomnia." The event was well attended!
2023-09-21 Honor matters 榮譽事項【Achievement Sharing】 Selenge Davaasuren, a student in the International Master Program in Acupuncture, gave a successful lecture in her hometown of Mongolia with the theme "How to Overcome...
【Congratulations】Deputy Director Peter Karl Mayer, for being elected as the 2021 year Outstanding Assistant Professor
2022-12-15 Honor matters 榮譽事項Congratulations to Deputy Director Peter Karl Mayer, for being elected as the 2021 year Outstanding Assistant Professor
【Congratulations】The Chang Pu-Tao Outstanding Research Award first place_ Yi-Hung Chen
2021-07-06 Honor matters 榮譽事項Congratulations to Professor Yi-Hung Chen for winning The Chang Pu-Tao Outstanding Research Award 恭賀本學程陳易宏教授榮獲109學年度中醫學院張步桃醫師傑出研究獎