Randomized controlled clinical trial of Acupuncture_ Yu-Chen Lee

【Randomized controlled clinical trial of Acupuncture_ Yu-Chen Lee】
Associate Professor Yu-Chen Lee and Director of Acupuncture Department in China Medical University Hospital

The research themes in my department aim to randomized controlled clinical trial of Acupuncture, For example : Stroke ,Carpal tunnel syndrome, Depression, Fibromyaligia, Rib fracture pain control ,Sudden hearing loss, Back pain, Sequence of Bell’s Palsy, nausea & vomiting after abdomen surgery , Temporal-Mandibular disorder , Trigerminal nerve pain control , disgestion after nasophagenal carcinoma surgery ,Wrist pain after surgery , so on.. Next step We want to know mechanism of acupuncture in Tranditional  chinese  medicine theory.



附設醫院針灸科近15年來,跟西醫臨床科部陸續完成研究案並且發表臨床論文已經10篇,復健科羅瑞寬主任:腕隧道症候群針灸臨床研究;腦中風中心陳春忠主任:針灸對腦中風的療效研究;精神科蘇冠賓主任:針灸對憂鬱症的療效研究;胸腔外科方信元副院長:針灸對胸腔鏡術後止痛臨床研究;代謝形體中心黃致錕院長:耳穴在手術後的噁心嘔吐臨床療效;血液腫瘤科邱昌芳院長:癌症化療後手麻針灸預防臨床研究;風濕免疫科藍忠亮院長:肌纖維痛症針灸臨床療效評估;牙科部余建宏主任:顳顎關節針灸臨床療效評估;神經內科曾鈞宏醫師:針灸治療顏面神經麻痺後遺症臨床療效評估,三叉神經痛針灸臨床療效評估;外科加護病房 高佩玉醫師:鼻咽癌術後消化功能針灸臨床療效評估;骨科部邱詠証主任:手腕骨術後針灸止痛臨床療效評估;未來繼續跟不同科別進行針灸研究,預計還會發表更多臨床論文,由研究加上臨床服務,相輔相成。

李育臣副教授論文   Yu-Chen Lee MD.PHD.
